💻 Software Engineer & OSS Advocate
🧳 Casual Traveler
🚴 Avid Cyclist
🎱 Pool League Player
📷 Photographer & Videographer
📚 Bibliophile
🎲 Board Game Devotee
🌍 🇺🇦 🌏 🇹🇭 🌎 🇺🇸

✅ Finally got back in the saddle after a shamefully long two week break (job/commitments/etc 🤷). Took it easy this time (for the most part 😉).

🗺️ Trails:
🧭 W&OD
🧭 Four Mile Run
🧭 Mount Vernon

🏆 Achievements:
🏅 4 Strava Segment PRs

⏱️3.5hr • 📏75km • ⛰420m • 🏞️🚴


🗺️📌 Another 70K bike ride along the Washington & Old Dominion Trail 🏆🏅 5 Strava Segment PRs ⛅️🏞️🚴


📌 An after-work bike ride to the National Harbor. Really enjoyed the picturesque scenery, as well as the vivid sunset on my way back home.

🗺️ Trails:
🧭 W&OD
🧭 Four Mile Run
🧭 Mount Vernon

🏆 Achievements:
🏅 16 Strava Segment PRs

⏱️3hr • 📏65km • ⛰380m • 🏞️🎡⛵️🌅🌄🌇🚴


Looks like I've been following a pretty simple life philosophy recently: when unsure what to do next - just go for a bike ride! 😆
✅ Enjoyed another 60K and got 12 Strava Segment PRs along the way! 🚴🥇

It's a great way to clear your mind from work and other daily routine! ☯️


☀️ It's getting really hot outside. The 🌡️35°C heat, however, wasn't enough to stop me from going for a bike ride! 😎 This time - a rather high intensity 70K ride (more of a workout than a stroll) along the W&OD Trail with a short break at the Luck Stone Quarry Overlook.



A yet another wonderful VA🔁MD bike tour through some of the picturesque landscapes of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park and the Great Falls.

🗺️🧭 Trails:
➡️Capital Crescent
➡️Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Towpath

⏱️4h • 📏80K • ⛰500m • 🏞️🚴


I think this most recent bike adventure of mine wraps it up for my Trek Domane SL5 off-road capability testing. It's truly impressive how capable this bike is: it withstood the test of handling tough forest trails full of mud, gravel, rocks and tree roots without any issues!



80K adventure bike ride thru the W&OD, Fairfax County Parkway and Gerry Connolly Cross County trails. The latter one is new to me and I really liked how its path - with a few lengthy gravel segments and countless bridges over streams - winds through a quiet and shady forest.



🚵 A lively VA🔁MD 📏60K•⛰1180m bike adventure:

✔ Explored the (mostly new to me) Capital Crescent Trail

✔ Checked out the Dalecarlia Tunnel built in 1910

✔ Confirmed Trek Domane SL 5 can handle gravel just fine … but still needs help with stairs & rocky hiking trails 🤷😆


В этом году снова выбрались поучаствовать в #Cycle4Survival (одно из самых продуктивных движений по сбору средств для борьбы с редкими видами рака в США) @ The Wharf #DC (причал в портовом районе) небольшой группой сотрудников @LeagueApps.

